AQUAYER Remineral GH/KH+
Veelisand osmoosveele. Mineraalsoolad.
KOOSTIS: Ca – 17.7%, Mg – 5.5%
Kasutamine: 4 gr. tõstab GH/KH taset 50 l vee kohta 3dH/2dH.
8 gr. tõstab GH/KH taset 50 l vee kohta 6dH/4dH.
Why it is unique?
There are many different mineral mixtures on the aquarium market. Some products contain calcium chloride only because of very high solubility. However calcium chloride can increase not only general hardness but also chloride concentration significantly. High chloride concentration harms aquarium plants especially demanding ones.
Other mixtures for remineralization contain only sulfates which can not make buffer for pH stabilization. Such mixtures only increase general hardness. Zero carbonate hardness of aquarium water can lead to dangerous pH drop (below 6) if CO2 injection applied. Some plants can melt in such conditions and fishes can even die.
Formula of AQUAYER Remineral GH/KH+ is unique because can provide optimization of both water parameters – general (GH) and carbonate hardness (KH) buffering pH. In fact the formula consist of the same salts as in natural waters and does not contain chloride.