HAPPY BY NATURE – see on ideaalselt sobiv ja tasakaalustatud PREMIUM toit lutserni, võilille ja metsroosi viljadega, eriti mõeldud tšintšiljadele. Toidusegu ei sisalda kunstlikke koostisaineid, värvaineid ja säilitusaineid. Kõik selle elemendid on hoolikalt valitud vastavalt tšintšiljade vajadustele ja toitumisvajadustele. See aitab kaitsta näriliste tervist ja annab neile otse loodusest saadud elulisi jõude.
Alfalfa contains a lot of fibre, which is fundamental in functioning of the chinchilla’s digestive system. It’s a source of calcium and protein, contains a lot of beta-carotene, chlorophyll and fat-soluble vitamins, mainly A and K. It has a purifying effect. Also a significant amount of methionine and cysteine in the alfalfa protein have a positive effect on the coat.
Dandelion cleanses the body of harmful products of metabolism, facilitates digestion, has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens immunity. It contains vitamins A, B, C, D and silicic acid which strengthen cartilage. Due to the presence of inulin, it acts as an antidiabetic agent, helping to regulate carbohydrate metabolism.
Wild rose is a perfect source of vitamin C, contains vitamins A, B1, B2, E, K , folic acid, carotenoids, flavonoids, organic acids. Wild rose fruits protect against inflammation, strengthen the immune system of the body; protect against scurvy.