NS Premium food for large parakeets 1400 ml.


Premium food for large parakeets
1400 ml. / 800 Gr.
+ Multi-taste Premium Stick
food for large parakeets contains nuts and bananas.
Nuts are one of the richest sources of antioxidants: vitamin E and B-group vitamins. They contain fibre, easily assimilated protein and fatty acids that are important for health. They have a beneficial influence on digestion and the immune system.
Bananas provide carbohydrates in an easily assimilated form and do not burden the digestive system. They are rich sources of potassium, vitamin C and fibre. They contain fructooligosaccharides that have a beneficial influence on intestinal health

7 in stock

husk-free oat
white sunflower seeds
striped sunflower seeds
black sunflower seeds
dried apples 5%
canary seed
red millet
kardi seeds
paddy rice
nuts 2%
dried bananas 1%
dried carrots 1%
dried currants
niger seed

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