Escapure dog


Those who share their lives with a dog or cat know that certain look and the anticipation reflected in their
gestures, such as large eyes and pointed ears, when their food dishes are filled or a treat awaits. These are very
special moments for our four-footed friends. How much value lies in these moments for the health and well-being
of our pets is up to us.
Since 2010 we have made it our mission to provide dogs and cats with the best possible nutrition. And we do so
with food that closely matches their natural eating behaviour: A higher than average percentage of high quality,
pure meat – that was and is still our benchmark today. Pure meat – that’s what the name ESCAPURE stands for:
translated from Latin, it is the name of our plant, located on the Chiemsee lake, where we produce food for dogs
and cats, and it guarantees exactly what it means. For this reason, all of our food selections and our treats and
chew products contain the highest possible percentage of meat. Enhanced with selected ingredients, they are
manufactured in a gentle, but sophisticated process, completely according to the standards of Bavarian cuisine.
Refined with beech wood smoke, our treats and chew products also contain a bit of Bavarian tradition.
With our wide variety of products made of horse meat, primarily for sensitive dogs, we have solved a matter
near and dear to our hearts by giving dogs with food intolerances some of their quality of life back. Now ESCAPURE
is one of the first places people look for food for their four-footed foodies and sensitive connoisseurs.
We promise that all ESCAPURE products taste and smell great and are easily digestible and healthy.

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